Saturday, 22 March 2014

how to install ajax chat on website,forums like MYbb,phpBB


This is the standalone version running without another web application.

AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML".
The AJAX Chat clients (the user browsers) use JavaScript to query the web server for updates.
Instead of delivering a complete HTML page only updated data is send in XML format.
By using JavaScript the chat page can be updated without having to reload the whole page.



- PHP >= 4
- MySQL >= 4
- Ruby >= 1.8 (optional)


- Enabled JavaScript
- Enabled Cookies
- Flash Plugin >= 9 (optional)


1. Configuration settings

The primary configuration settings necessary for chat to function must be in the file lib/config.php
You will need to create this file. An example config file can be found in lib/config.php.example
Duplicate this file and save it as config.php once you have filled out at least the following four fields:

$config['dbConnection']['host'] = 'your_database_hostname';
$config['dbConnection']['user'] = 'your_database_username';
$config['dbConnection']['pass'] = 'your_database_password';
$config['dbConnection']['name'] = 'your_database_name';

In most cases, chat will function with only these fields filled out and you can proceed to step 2.

If your host does not use mysqli you will need to change the connection type field:
$config['dbConnection']['type'] = null;
If this is set to "null" it defaults to "mysqli" if existing, else to "mysql".

You can reference an existing database connection link or object by changing:
$config['dbConnection']['link'] = null;
If this is set to null, a new database connection is created.

2. Channel settings:

Edit channels in lib/data/channels.php.

Each channel must have a unique id (the $channels array index) and a unique name.
Whitespace in the channel names will be converted to the underscore "_".

3. User settings:

Edit users in lib/data/users.php.

Each user must have a unique id (the $users array index) and a unique name.
The first user in the list (array index 0) is used for the guest user settings.
All guest users will have access to the channels set for this user and the user role AJAX_CHAT_GUEST.
Registered users can have the user roles AJAX_CHAT_USER, AJAX_CHAT_MODERATOR or AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN.
The list of channels a user has access to can be set for each user individually.
Whitespace in the user names will be converted to the underscore "_".

4. Upload to the server

Upload the chat folder to your server somewhere under your document root:

5. Creation of database tables

Execute the provided installation script by visiting the following URL with your browser:

Replace "" with the real URL to your chat directory.

6. Delete the installation script

Delete the file install.php from the chat directory on your server.

Ready! Just place a link to the chat directory on your website.

Configuration files:

AJAX Chat is fully customizable and contains two configuration files:

1. lib/config.php
This file contains the server side (PHP) settings.

2. js/config.js
This file contains the client side (JavaScript) settings.

Each configuration option is explained with a comment prior to the setting assignment.

Customizing the layout:

The layout of AJAX Chat is fully customizable by using CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets).
AJAX Chat comes with a predefined set of styles. To add your own style, do the following:

1. Add a new CSS file (e.g. mystyle.css) by copying one of the existing styles from the CSS directory.

2. Edit your file (css/mystyle.css) and adjust the CSS settings to your liking.

3. Add the name of your style without file extension to the available styles in lib/config.php:

// Available styles:
$config['styleAvailable'] = array('mystyle','beige','black','grey');
// Default style:
$config['styleDefault'] = 'mystyle';

To further customize the layout you can adjust the template files in lib/template/.

Make sure you are creating valid XHTML, else you will produce errors in modern browsers.
This is due to the page content-type served as "application/xhtml+xml".
Using this content-type improves performance when manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM).

If for some reason you cannot create valid XHTML you can force a HTML content-type.
Just edit lib/config.php and set the following option:

$config['contentType'] = 'text/html';

Adjusting the language settings:

AJAX Chat comes with two language file directories:

1. js/lang/
This directory contains the language files used for the chat messages localization.
These are JavaScript files with the extension ".js".

2. lib/lang/
This directory contains the language files used for the template output.
These are PHP files with the extension ".php".

For each language, you need a file in each of these directories, with the language code as file name.
The language code is used following the ISO 639 standards.

The files for the english (language code "en") localization are the following:


To enable a language, you need to add the language code in lib/config.php:

$config['langAvailable'] = array('en');

For the language selection you also need to add the language name:

$config['langNames'] = array('en'=>'English');

To avoid errors, you should follow these rules:

1. Make sure you encode your localization files in UTF-8 (without Byte-order mark).
2. Don't use HTML entities in your localization files.
3. Don't remove any "%s" inside the JavaScript language files - these are filled with dynamic data.


By default, AJAX Chat stores all chat messages in the database.
To access the logs you have to add the GET parameter view=logs to your chat url:


If you are not already logged in, you have to login as administrator to access the logs.

The log view enables you to monitor the latest chat messages on all channels.
It is also possible to view the logs of private rooms and private messages.
You have the option to filter the logs by date, time and search strings.

The search filter accepts MySQL style regular expressions:

To search for IPs, use the following syntax:



AJAX Chat is also usable as shoutbox - this is a short guide on how to set it up:

1. Shoutbox stylesheet

Add the following line to the stylesheet (CSS) of all pages displaying the shoutbox:

@import url("");

Replace with the URL to the chat.
Modify css/shoutbox.css to your liking.

2. Shoutbox function

Add the following function to your PHP code:

function getShoutBoxContent() {
// URL to the chat directory:
if(!defined('AJAX_CHAT_URL')) {
define('AJAX_CHAT_URL', './chat/');

// Path to the chat directory:
if(!defined('AJAX_CHAT_PATH')) {
define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'/chat').'/');

// Validate the path to the chat:
if(@is_file(AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'lib/classes.php')) {

// Include Class libraries:

// Initialize the shoutbox:
$ajaxChat = new CustomAJAXChatShoutBox();

// Parse and return the shoutbox template content:
return $ajaxChat->getShoutBoxContent();

return null;

Make sure AJAX_CHAT_URL and AJAX_CHAT_PATH point to the chat directory.

3. Shoutbox output

Display the shoutbox content using the shoutbox function:

<div style="width:200px;"><?php echo getShoutBoxContent(); ?></div>

Socket Server:

Using the AJAX technology alone the chat clients have to permanently pull updates from the server.
This is due to AJAX being a web technology and HTTP being a stateless protocol.
Events pushed from server-side need a permanent or long-lasting socket connection between clients and server.
This requires either a custom HTTP server (called "comet") or another custom socket server.

AJAX Chat uses a JavaScript-to-Flash bridge to establish a permanent socket connection from client side.
The JavaScript-to-Flash bridge requires a Flash plugin >= 9 installed on the user browser.
Clients without this requirement will fall back to pull the server for updates.

1. Installation

The socket server coming with AJAX Chat is implemented in Ruby.
You need to be able to run a Ruby script as a service to run the socket server.
To be able to start the service, the script files in the socket/ directory have to be executable:

$ chmod +x server
$ chmod +x server.rb

"server" is a simple bash script to start and stop a service.
"server.rb" is the ruby socket server script.
"server.conf" is a configuration file - each setting is explained with a comment.

To start the service, execute the "server" script with the parameter "start":

$ ./server start

This will create two additional files:

"" contains the process id of the service.
"server.log" is filled with the socket server log.

To monitor the socket server logs, you can use the "tail" command included in most GNU/Linux distributions:

$ tail -f server.log

By default only errors and start/stop of the server are logged.
To get more detailed logs configure the log level by editing the configuration file.

To stop the service, execute the "server" script with the parameter "stop":

$ ./server stop

If the socket server is running, you have to enable the following option in lib/config.php:

$config['socketServerEnabled'] = true;

This tells the server-side chat script to broadcast chat messages via the socket server.
Chat clients will establish a permanent connection to the socket server to listen for chat messages.

By default only local clients (,::1) may broadcast messages.
Clients allowed to broadcast messages may also handle the channel authentication.
If your socket server is running on another host you should set the broadcast_clients option to the chat server IP.

Using the socket server increases response time while improving server performance at the same time.

2. Flash Permissions

Since Flash and all Flash 10 versions, permissions for creating sockets using Flash have changed.
Now an explicit permission (using xml-syntax) is required for creating socket connections.
In the current state, socket server won't work with the newest Flash versions.
You will get a "Flash security error" in the browser.

A solution is to use a policy-files server which will listen to connections in port 843 in the server.
Each time a client tries to connect to the chat, the Flash client will request the policy authorization to the server.
The policy-files server is downloadable from
It works with FF3 and IE7 (not yet tested in other browsers).

A more detailed explanation can be found here:


how to install ajax chat on website

Thursday, 20 March 2014

all about company registration trademark franchises

how to do marketing for startup

Couple of strategies in online PR are:
a) Getting bloggers/news portals to review the portal
b) Issuing of the press release in case of a new product launch/service.
c) Scheduling one on one interview of the brand spokesperson with journalist/bloggers to share industry trends or future plans of the company

Email Marketing: It has one of the highest conversions in online marketing. Email marketing helps a firm to get repeatvisitors on its website on a regular basis. An online marketer should regularly look at employing various strategies to build his/her mailing database. Offering freebies or discount coupons could be one such strategy.

Affiliate Marketing: It can be defined as the type of marketing in which a brand rewards a website owner/blogger for every sale which happens when a visitor directed from them makes a purchase on the brand’s website. Affiliate Marketing has also one of the lowest cost of acquisition compared to other online advertising channels. For an e-commerce venture, affiliate marketing becomes all the more important since they can contribute to as much as 15% to the company’s revenue. Affiliate marketing has become all the more easier with the launch of firms like etc which connects merchants(brands) and publishers(bloggers, website owners) on a single platform. Amazon earns around 30% of its revenue from Affiliate Marketing of which 55%-60% comes from bloggers and the remaining from deal sites, coupon sites and price comparison sites.

Content Marketing: If planned and executed systematically, content marketing can significantly help an online portal to get backlinks from high authority websites.

List the business website in online directories. Find the category your business fits into in online directories and list your business name, a short description of the products or services your business offers and the website address for your business site.
Find and join online communities your target customers use. When you are a member of an online community, you can list your business name, business description and contact information such as a website address and email address. Be active in the online discussions and post questions relating to your industry in the online forums so that other community members get to know about you and your business offering. Some online forums allow you to promote your business, while others prohibit direct advertising. Either way, by being involved in the community, you're indirectly promoting your business
Estimating a Conversion Rate
The next step is to assign conversion rates and values. Consider newsletter signups, for example. 100 new newsletter signups per month could be incredible growth if your conversion rate is 20%. That is, if 20% of your newsletter subscribers become paying customers. If your conversion rate is closer to 1%, those 100 newsletter signups might be insignificant.
Estimate (based on historical data) your lead conversion rate. Now do the same to estimate the lifetime value of a customer. If you know how many of your leads convert and how much those conversions generate for your startup, you can assign values to goal completions like newsletter signups. $2,500 per month from your newsletter is a lot more indicative of success than 100 new newsletter signups.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

20 Tips for More Efficient Google Searches

    1. Either/or
      Google normally searches for pages that contain all the words you type in the search box, but if you want pages that have one term or another (or both), use the OR operator -- or use the "|" symbol (pipe symbol) to save you a keystroke. dumb | little | man
      If you want to search for an exact phrase, use quotes. "dumb little man" will only find that exact phrase.  dumb "little man" will find pages that contain the word dumb and the exact phrase "little man".
    3. Not
      If you don't want a term or phrase, use the "-" symbol. -dumb little man will return pages that contain "little" and "man" but that don't contain "dumb".
    4. Similar terms
      Use the "~" symbol to return similar terms. ~dumb little man -dumb will get you pages that contain "funny little man" and "stupid little man" but not "dumb little man".
    5. Wildcard
      The "*" symbol is a wildcard. This is useful if you're trying to find the lyrics to a song, but can't remember the exact lyrics. can't * me love lyrics will return the Beatles song you're looking for. It's also useful for finding stuff only in certain domains, such as educational information: cats *.edu
    6. Advanced search
      If you can't remember any of these operators, you can always use Google's Advanced Search.
    7. Definitions
      Use the "define:" operator to get a quick definition. define:dumb will give you a whole host of definitions from different sources, with links.
    8. Calculator
      One of the handiest uses of Google, type in a quick calculation in the search box and get an answer. It's faster than calling up your computer's calculator in most cases. Use the +, -, *, / symbols and parentheses to do a simple equation. (3 4/5 + 2 1/8)-(1 1/12)*2
    9. Numrange
      This little-known feature searches for a range of numbers. For example, best books 2002..2007 will return lists of best books for each of the years from 2002 to 2007 (note the two periods between the two numbers).
    10. Site-specific
      Use the "site:" operator to search only within a certain website. leo will search for the term "leo" only within this blog.
    11. Backlinks
      The "link:" operator will find pages that link to a specific URL. You can use this not only for a main URL but even to a specific page. Not all links to an URL are listed, however.
    12. Vertical search
      Instead of searching for a term across all pages on the web, search within a specialized field. Google has a number of specific searches, allowing you to search within blogs, news, books, and much more:
    13. Local Search
      Search for anything in your city. Examples movies 94705, Italian food 02138
    14. Weather
      To see the weather for many U.S. and worldwide cities, type “weather” followed by the city and state, U.S. zip code, or city and country. weather San Francisco, CA
    15. Unit converter
      Use Google for a quick conversion, from yards to meters for example, or different currency: 12 meters in yards
    16. Types of numbers
      Google algorithms can recognize patterns in numbers you enter, so you can search for:
      • Telephone area codes
      • Vehicle ID number (US only)
      • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) equipment numbers (US only)
      • UPC codes
      • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airplane registration number (US only)
      • Patent numbers (US only). Example Patent 5123123
      • Even stock quotes (using the stock symbol) or a weather forecast regarding the next five days
      • Package Tracking (UPS, Fedex, or USPS). Example: 1Z9999W99999999999
    17. File types
      If you just want to search for .PDF files, or Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets, for example, use the "filetype:" operator. cats filetype:pdf
    18. Location of term
      By default, Google searches for your term throughout a web page. But if you just want it to search certain locations, you can use operators such as "inurl:", "intitle:", "intext:", and "inanchor:". Those search for a term only within the URL, the title, the body text, and the anchor text (the text used to describe a link). inurl:funny
    19. Related search
      To search for web pages that have similar content to a given site, type “related:” followed by the website address into the Google search box.
    20. answer to life the universe and everything
      Search for that phrase, in lower case, and Google will give you the answer!


Saturday, 15 March 2014

sql injection with example explained

What is SQL Injection?

SQL Injection is a type of web application security vulnerability in which an attacker is able to submit a database SQL command which is executed by a web application, exposing the back-end database. A SQL Injection attack can occur when a web application utilizes user-supplied data without proper validation or encoding as part of a command or query. The specially crafted user data tricks the application into executing unintended commands or changing data. SQL Injection allows an attacker to create, read, update, alter, or delete data stored in the back-end database.
SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution.

Sql Injection example
Step 1
Find login.asp page in search engin
step 2
username:    1'or'1'='1
password:      1'or'1'='1

sql injection example in
 Step 2:

Bypassing Login Screens
SQL Injection Login tricks
  admin' --
    admin' #
    ' or 1=1--
    ' or 1=1#
    ' or 1=1/*
    ') or '1'='1--
    ') or ('1'='1--

Thursday, 13 March 2014

java connectivity with mysql projects

java connectivity with mysql example

Create Database

To create a database you have to supply CREATE DATABASE command followed by the database name and then semicolon.

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)


 Use Database

Once you have created the database then you have to select it for use to perform operations on it. Command USE <DATABASE-NAME> begins a mysql (The MySQL Command-line Tool) session and lets you perform database operations. Note that, you need to create database only once but have to use it each time you start a mysql session.

mysql> USE EXPDB;
Database changed


 Create a table

The EXPTABLE, example table to demonstrate JDBC (Java database connectivity) is created by issuing CREATE TABLE command as shown below:

    -> NAME VARCHAR (50)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)


 Insert Records

Just for illustration, two records into EXPTABLE are being inserted, you can insert more if you like. Later we will perform select and edit operations on these records using JDBC (Java database connectivity).
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

| ID | NAME      |
|  1 | ANUSHKA K |
|  2 | GARVITA K |
2 rows in set (0.03 sec) 
java database connectivity code with mysql example 
/* */
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class JDBC_Connection_Demo
  /* static block is executed when a class is loaded into memory 
   * this block loads MySQL's JDBC driver
      // loads com.mysql.jdbc.Driver into memory
    catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) 
      System.out.println("Driver could not be loaded: " + cnf);
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String connectionUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/EXPDB";
    String dbUser = "root";
    String dbPwd = "TYPE YOUR PASSWORD";
    Connection conn;
    ResultSet rs;
    String queryString = "SELECT ID, NAME FROM EXPTABLE";
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, dbUser, dbPwd);
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO EXPTABLE (NAME) VALUES (\"TINU K\")");
      rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);
      System.out.println("ID \tNAME");
        System.out.print(rs.getInt("id") + ".\t" + rs.getString("name"));
      if (conn != null)
        conn = null;
    catch (SQLException sqle) 
      System.out.println("SQL Exception thrown: " + sqle);
} //JDBC_Connection_Demo ends here
E:\java mysql code driver>javac

E:\java mysql code driver>java -cp . JDBC_Connection_Demo
ID      NAME
1.      ANUSHKA K
2.      GARVITA K
3.      TINU K

java database connectivity code with mysql example

 Create database in mysql as:- aavikme.

   import java.sql.*;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class MySQLConnectExample {
          // loads com.mysql.jdbc.Driver into memory
        catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf)
          System.out.println("Driver could not be loaded: " + cnf);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // creates three different Connection objects
            Connection conn1 = null;
            Connection conn2 = null;
            Connection conn3 = null;
     try {
                // connect way #1
                String url1 = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/aavikme";
                String user = "root";
                String password = "your password";
                conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection(url1, user, password);
                if (conn1 != null) {
                    System.out.println("Connected to the database test1");
                // connect way #2
                String url2 = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/aavikme?user=root&password=your password";
                conn2 = DriverManager.getConnection(url2);
                if (conn2 != null) {
                    System.out.println("Connected to the database test2");
                // connect way #3
                String url3 = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/aavikme";
                Properties info = new Properties();
                info.put("user", "root");
                info.put("password", "your password");
                conn3 = DriverManager.getConnection(url3, info);
                if (conn3 != null) {
                    System.out.println("Connected to the database test3");
       } catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.out.println("An error occurred. Maybe user/password is invalid");
       } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

save it as

Run it in cmd

E:\java mysql code driver>javac MySQLConnectExample .java

E:\java mysql code driver>java -cp . MySQLConnectExample


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

how it's made shoes,bread,petroleum,Chips ,cold drinks,coffee,currency,sugar and many more

How to Make Petrol or Gas from Crude Oil.

The video shows how crude oil is mined and how petrol, gas, jet fuel, etc., are 'refined' from it. 

How its made: Bread 


How Its Made, Sugar.

How  Chips Are Made 

How Coca Cola Is Made


Shoes factory

how to make currency

How Jeans Are Made 


Monday, 10 March 2014

get crowdfunding by wishberry easily

how to get crowdfunding for my business? many new entrepreneur think this question twice a day. site  provides services that allow customers to create a gift registry or fundraising page by filling out a simple online form on, or by giving them a call. Customers can easily fill out an online form, create the page and email it back to them. Once the page is created, users can share it with their friends and family, as well as through social media and email. Friends and guests can then visit the online link and contribute any amount online, using their credit or debit card. Wishberry takes care of all the backend logistics with the NGO.


Getting funded from the crowd. Asking a large number of people to chip-in small amounts to a project
Tell your story & pitch your project through a fun video
Reach out to family, friends & fans through social media
Funders chip-in any amount they can afford (Rs. 50 or 50,000)
Reward funders with recognition, merchandize, and experiences


Test your ideas with risk-free money from people who believe in you or your project
Validate your idea & increase your chances to get investor/bank funding
Sell your product before it’s ready & get free branding in the process
No need to part with ownership in your project or make interest payments
Follow your dream with full creative control
how to get crowdfunding for my business provides services that allow customers to create a gift registry or fundraising page by filling out a simple online form on, or by giving them a call. Customers can easily fill out an online form, create the page and email it back to them. Once the page is created, users can share it with their friends and family, as well as through social media and email. Friends and guests can then visit the online link and contribute any amount online, using their credit or debit card. Wishberry takes care of all the backend logistics with the NGOs. ... read more on provides services that allow customers to create a gift registry or fundraising page by filling out a simple online form on, or by giving them a call. Customers can easily fill out an online form, create the page and email it back to them. Once the page is created, users can share it with their friends and family, as well as through social media and email. Friends and guests can then visit the online link and contribute any amount online, using their credit or debit card. Wishberry takes care of all the backend logistics with the NGOs. ... read more on provides services that allow customers to create a gift registry or fundraising page by filling out a simple online form on, or by giving them a call. Customers can easily fill out an online form, create the page and email it back to them. Once the page is created, users can share it with their friends and family, as well as through social media and email. Friends and guests can then visit the online link and contribute any amount online, using their credit or debit card. Wishberry takes care of all the backend logistics with the NGOs. ... read more on provides services that allow customers to create a gift registry or fundraising page by filling out a simple online form on, or by giving them a call. Customers can easily fill out an online form, create the page and email it back to them. Once the page is created, users can share it with their friends and family, as well as through social media and email. Friends and guests can then visit the onli ... read more on

java database connectivity code with mysql

jdbc connectivity with mysql  

For MySQL 5.1
For Windows users only

  1. jdk1.6.0_11(Works with previous versions of JDK) can be downloaded from here
  2. MySQL Server 5.1
  3. mysql-connector-java-3.0.11-stable-bin.jar or Download mysql Connector/J

java connectivity with mysql projects,

Environment Variables:
Enter Variable name and Variable value which is mentioned below.
Variable name:
Variable value:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11

Variable name:
Variable value:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin

Variable name:
Variable value:

Simple java program to connect Mysql with java using JDBC

java connectivity with mysql example,

java database connectivity code with mysql example

Connect Java with MS SQL Server Tutorial For MS SQL Server 2005


Connect Java with Oracle 10g Tutorial


Saturday, 22 February 2014

eclipse j2me plugin installation

  1. Download the EclipseME J2ME 0.7.0 plugin. Do not unzip this file.
    For example: c:\temp\
  2. Create a new workspace directory, for example: c:\workspace_j2me
  3. Start Eclipse and switch workspace, select menu: File | Switch Workspace
  4. Press the "Browse" button to select the created workspace c:\workspace_j2me

    Workspace launcher
  5. Eclipse will be restared and the workspace setup.
  6. Select menu: Help | Software Updates | Find and Install

    Eclipse install plugin step 1

for next step read from here


Thursday, 20 February 2014

java mysql connection example easily

Connect to MySQL with JDBC driver

Here’s an example to show you how to connect to MySQL database via a JDBC driver. First, get a MySQL JDBC driver from here -MySQL JDBC Driver Download Here.

MySQL JDBC Driver  should be in same folder where you save your project.

1. Java JDBC connection example

Code snippets to use a JDBC driver to connect a MySQL database.
Connection conn = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/dbname","username", "password");


Java & MySQL - Basic connection and insert values (NetBeans)  


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

how to create a health care system

A better healthcare system requires active participation by patients

information technology to Create a Health Care System
This website will help you measure your heart rate online, in beats per minute (BPM), without using an actual heart rate monitoring device. Based on your age and maximum heart rate (HRmax), it will also determine your heart rate training zone.
How to use?

To begin measuring your heart rate, follow these easy steps:

    Enter your age.
    With one hand, feel your pulse by placing your index and middle fingers on your lower neck, on either side of the windpipe. Press lightly until you feel a pulse.
    With the other hand, click the heart icon each time you feel a beat. You can also tap the spacebar.

Your average beats per minute (BPM) will be displayed and the indicator will show your current training zone.
What is heart rate?

Heart rate (or pulse) is the number of times your heart beats in a minute, typically expressed in beats per minute (BPM). Your heart rate increases or decreases based on your body's need to absorb oxygen. Your heart rate when sleeping is typically lower than when walking or running.
 Emotional changes can also increase your heart rate.

The heart rate is used by medical professionals to help in the diagnosis of medical conditions. It is also used by individuals who want to gain maximum efficiency from their training and monitor their fitness level.
How can I check my pulse?
Checking the pulse at the wrist Checking the pulse at the neck

You can feel the pulse by pressing lightly on a blood vessel close to the skin's surface. Always use your index and middle fingers, as your thumb's pulse might give incorrect readings. The two most common points for checking the pulse are the neck and the wrist.

To check the pulse at the neck, place your index and middle fingers on your lower neck, on either side of the windpipe. Press lightly until you feel a pulse.

To check the pulse at your wrist, turn the palm side of your hand facing up. Place your index and middle fingers of your opposite hand on your wrist, approximately one inch below the base of your hand. Press down until you feel the pulse.
What is the maximum heart rate (HRmax)?

The maximum heart rate (HRmax) is the maximum number of times your heart can beat in a minute, and it depends on your age. HRmax is important for determining your heart rate training zone.

The most common method to calculate the maximum heart rate is: HRmax = 220 - age
What is the resting heart rate (HRrest)?

The resting heart rate (HRrest) is the heart rate when you are resting. In adults, the resting heart rate is typically between 60 and 100 BPM.
Athletes may have a resting heart rate below 60 BPM. To measure your resting heart rate, you must have been resting for at least 10 minutes before taking your pulse.


Body mass index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.

BMI Categories:

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
    Overweight = 25-29.9
    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

For My Body Mass Index

The Height you entered is 5 feet, 7 inches. The Weight you entered is 119.05 pounds.

Your Calculated BMI is: 18.6
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