Wednesday 24 August 2016

what i need to be a developer best commands

way to connect to chrome extion in ubuntu
DNS server
search domains
reconnect ntework

connect to other pc -- sftp://user@

============PHP CONCATINATION==============
'<div class="logo-wrapper">
           <div class="logo">
             <img src="'. $base_url .'/sites/all/themes/hdfc/images/popup-hdfc-logo.png" alt="hdfc-logo">
git reset --hard
git pull
This is how you can use dsm in watchdog.

watchdog('form', kprint_r($form, TRUE, NULL));


drush: watchdog-show (ws)

Rather than going to the watchdog page to see errors and warnings, you only have to run watchdog_show.
 drush watchdog-show
Search anything on server:
cd /var/www/html 
grep -irn 'your keyword' .



how to clear varnish memcache

/etc/init.d/varnish restart
/etc/init.d/memcached stop
/etc/init.d/memcached start


how to clone

import database by command
-----> mysql -h localhost -u root dara<daradb04112015.sql -p

user@user-1032:~$ cd ../..
user@user-1032:/$ cd var/www/html/
user@user-1032:/var/www/html$ mkdir gica
user@user-1032:/var/www/html$ cd gica/
user@user-1032:/var/www/html/gica$ git clone -b dev .

user@user-1032:~/Downloads$ cd
user@user-1032:~$ cd /etc/
user@user-1032:/etc$ sudo gedit hosts

cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
2. sudo gedit 000-default.conf

3. sudo gedit myconfig.conf
sudo service apache2 restart 

4. hosts file on first line add  ursit.local 
(as in myconfig file :-ursit.local  )

for permission to folder and file

go to folder 1 level Up(before)
1. cd /var/www/html/sites/all/themes/
2. sudo chmod -R 755 videos(folder name) OR sudo chmod -R 777 videos
To check permission ls -l

sudo chown www-data:www-data filename_like_footer_banner

===========Backup MySQL==========
$ mysqldump -u[username] -p[pass] -h[hostip] [dbname] > [backupfile.sql]
In above command,
  • -u specifies username to connect to MySQL,
  • -p as user password,
  • -h (optional, if on same machine) specific IP or hostname where MySQL is setup,
  • dbname is database to take backup,
  • backupfile.sql is your backup file name with .sql as ext.
To take backup of database named as "drupal" with root user, we need to run following command:
$ mysqldump -uroot -p "type_ur_pass" drupal > drupal_dbbackup.sql


        $img_uri = $node->field_thumbnail[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['uri'];
        if ($img_uri) {
          $img_url = image_style_url('search_org_logo', ($img_uri));
        else {
          $img_url = get_default_image_url('organization', 'search_org_logo');

        global $base_url;
        $share = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $nodeid);


SSL on localhost
If you want to enable HTTPS for your blog, you must first create or generate your server private certificate key. Then generate a certificate signing request and submit to a Certificate Authority or CA which will validate the server key and issue a trusted SSL certificate.
So, generate a certificate for your server. Then generate a certificate signing request or CSR using information of the server private key since you don’t want to submit your private key to external entities. Your server key is private and should always remain on the server.
After generating the CSR using information from the server private key, you’ll then submit that CSR file to a CA to be validated. The CA will then give your a SSL certificate to use on your sites.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
        ServerName domain.local
        ServerAlias domain.local

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ur_folder_name


How to run Solr  in background

Right now I start it by java -jar start.jar but I would like it to log to a file and run in the background on the server so that I can close the terminal window.
I'm sure there is some java config that I can't find.
I have tried java -jar start.jar > log.txt &

Your First Solr Search Request

Now let’s query our book collection! For example, we can find all books with “black” in the title field:
The fl parameter stands for “field list” and specifies what stored fields should be returned from documents matching the query. We should see a result like the following:
      "title_t":"The Black Company",
      "author_s":"Glen Cook"},
      "title_t":"The Black Cauldron",
      "author_s":"Lloyd Alexander"}]

Our schema has some common dynamicField patterns defined for use:
Field SuffixMultivalued SuffixTypeDescription
_t_txttext_generalIndexed for full-text search so individual words or phrases may be matched.
_s_ssstringA string value is indexed as a single unit. This is good for sorting, faceting, and analytics. It’s not good for full-text search.
_i_isinta 32 bit signed integer
_l_lslonga 64 bit signed long
_f_fsfloatIEEE 32 bit floating point number (single precision)
_d_dsdoubleIEEE 64 bit floating point number (double precision)
_b_bsbooleantrue or false
_dt_dtsdateA date in Solr’s date format
_plocationA lattitude and longitude pair for geo-spatial search

 if you want to customize your search results is look at the search-results.tpl.phpand search-result.tpl.php template files (note the singular in the second one).
You can find copies of those in the core search module, and I'd just copy and paste those entire files (no need to even rename them) and put them in your custom theme's /templates/ folder. After clearing your cache, they should get picked up since they will have precedence now.
The search-results.tpl.php file controls how the entire search results page looks, while the search-result.tpl.php file controls who an individual search result is displayed (which fields, in which order, etc). Now that you have copies in your own custom theme, modify them any way you want!



function slugify($text) {
  // replace non letter or digits by -
  $text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text);

  // trim
  $text = trim($text, '-');

  // transliterate
  $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text);

  // lowercase
  $text = strtolower($text);

  // remove unwanted characters
  $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text);

  if (empty($text)) {
    return 'n-a';

  return $text;


Clean URL:-

1> cd etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

2>sudo nano gedit 000-default.conf


<Directory /var/www/html/drupal_test>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteBase /drupal_test
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

restart apache

$i = 0;
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($query)) {
    $data[] = array($row[$i]);
That is just REALLY bad coding!
db_fetch_array returns an array. When you write row[i] you actually fetch the first column/value from the first record on the first iteration, second column/valute on the second record, third column/valute on third record, and so on.
Just keep it simple:
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($query)) {
    $data[] = array_values($row);

=========> same code written in 2 diff way

 if ($quarterly_reports) {
      $foreign_contributor .='<li class="dasra-quarterly">
        <div class="report-title">' . $financial_year_title . '</div>
        <div class="annual-report-title">' . $annual_report_pdf . '</div>
        <div class="foreign-contributor">' . $report_title . '</div>
        <div class="download-quarterly-reports">' . $quarterly_reports . '</div>


 $quarterly_reports = $pdf_link;
    if ($quarterly_reports || $annual_report_pdf) {
      $foreign_contributor .='<li class="dasra-quarterly">';
      $foreign_contributor .= '<div class="report-title">' . $financial_year_title . '</div>';
      if ($annual_report_pdf) {
        $foreign_contributor .= '<div class="annual-report-title">' . $annual_report_pdf . '</div>';
      if ($quarterly_reports) {
        $foreign_contributor .= '<div class="foreign-contributor">Foreign Contributions</div>';
        $foreign_contributor .= '<div class="download-quarterly-reports">' . $quarterly_reports . '</div>';
      $foreign_contributor .= '</li>';


Checking this box will allow Html formated e-mails to be sent with the SMTP protocol

webform>>new webform

Select the theme that will be used to render

in module>>webform

The default subject line of any e-mailed results.
Sends all e-mail from the domain of the default address above and sets the "Reply-To" header to the actual sender. Helps prevent e-mail from being flagged as spam.
Whether the mail system configured for webform is capable of sending mail in HTML format.

The default format for new e-mail settings. Webform e-mail options take precedence over the settings for system-wide e-mails configured in MIME mail.

Force all webform e-mails to be sent in the default format.


Hidden filed using TOKEN

Hidden field ---->ref Hidden %get[ref]

include_once drupal_get_path('module','webform') . '/includes/';
  $submission[data] = webform_get_submission($node->nid, $sid);
  foreach ($submission['data']->data as $data) {
    $submitted_data[] = $data[value][0];    
   //echo '<pre>'; print_r($submitted_data); echo '</pre>'; exit();
   if (in_array('facebook', $submitted_data)) {

CKEDITOR strip classes or print &lt;div insted of <div>

Custom JavaScript configuration
Paste in:
config.allowedContent = true;