Eros theme of zoop .
make whole background black
body {
/*font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;*/
font-family: 'Ubuntu', Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.428571429;
color: #585858;
background-color: #000000;
show the product on home page in magento
Home Page
{{block type="customblocks/customblock" alias="root" template="customblocks/customblock.phtml"}}
type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list"
alias="products_homepage" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
set store name
general >>store name------------------------------------------------
how to show currency symbol in magento
system>>manage currency>>symbols
below 2 step is very important
is same as
app/design/frontend/<package name>jm_trex/<theme name>default
How to Set up Free magento Banner Slider extension in a magento store
How to download and install
1. Download
Official source
(Compatible with Magento version 1.4 – 1.7)
2. Install
- Go to System/Cache Management ->Choose Enable and Submit
- Use FTP client to upload or copy all folders in the zip package to your Magento site root folder.
- Log in Magento administration panel , refresh cache
- Go to System/ Magento Extensions/ License keys, put your license key
- Log out admin panel and log in again
- Go to front-end and try to process
how to install new theme in magento
1...after you see “Theme successfully installed” message go to System->Configuration->Design->Themes and provide the theme name in Default field (which will change your default theme to this new theme) and click “Save Config” button at the top right corner of your screen.

- After Refresh the page Click Return to admin button (page top)
- Here to Check new magento theme is installed or not
Here Click Add Design Change Button as seen below
Here to select Custom Design Tab in DropDown list Select your installed new theme Example:f002(magento Classic theme) and Click Save Button
2.... A Magento theme revolves around different columns in your theme layout. In case your store home page doesn’t load properly and shows weird design then go to CMS->Manage Pages. You will notice that there are two different layouts for the home page (may be more depending upon how many themes you have tried in the past). Based on your new theme layout disable all the other home page layouts. You can easily disable/enable the layouts by clicking “Enabled” or “Disabled” links provided in the status field.

how to take backup magento database?how to take backup wordpress database ?Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons –How to solveWhenever you see this error:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1. Locate the root directory where your Magento is installed. Search for “errors” directory.
2. Change the filename of local.xml.sample to local.xml
3. Reload the page where it shows error message, you will see a full list of error message – The purpose of rename local.xml is to allow the full error message to be shown.
4. Now, locate magento_directory/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and look for:
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => 'null',
'cache_dir' => 'null',
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => 'tmp/',
And save the file.'cache_dir' => 'tmp/',
5. Now, go to Magento root directory and create a new directory with the name “tmp”.6. Refresh the error page and see if the issue solved.
New products |
Go to “CMS - Manage Pages” and select “Home Page” from the list of pages.
Use this code snippet to show products labeled as “new” on your front page:
(Note that you must have some new products in your catalogue for anything to show when you do this. In this context new
doesn’t mean that you’ve recently added them; only products explicitly
marked as new using ‘Set Product as New from Date’ and ‘Set Product as
New to Date’ options in the ‘General’ product information page in the
admin tool will be shown.)
Use this code snippet to show products labeled as “new” on your front page:
- {{block type="catalog/product_new" name="" alias="product_homepage" template="catalog/product/new.phtml"}}
All Products |
Go to “CMS - Manage Pages” and select “Home Page” from the list of pages.
Use this code snippet to show all products in your catalog on your front page:
Use this code snippet to show all products in your catalog on your front page:
- {{block type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
All Products from one Category |
Go to “CMS - Manage Pages” and select “Home Page” from the list of pages.
Use this code snippet to show one category on your front page:
The category ID can be found when you go to “manage category” and then
select the category you want. The ID is written in the header.
Examples are outdated, dosent work in magento 1.4.1
Use this code snippet to show one category on your front page:
- {{block type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" category_id="4" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
Examples are outdated, dosent work in magento 1.4.1
Layout Update XML for magento 1.4 |
- <reference name="content">
- <block type="catalog/product_list" name="featured" template="catalog/product/list.phtml">
- <action method="setCategoryId"><category_id>[category id here]</category_id></action>
- </block>
- </reference>--------------------------------------------
Q.Call to a member function getSortedChildren()
In Magento 1.9, I encounter the below error while showing products on homepage
The new RWD design has two child blocks for the product list.
A good idea is to use a different template that is a copy of the main template but with the following edits:
You can first call your block in CMS Homepage like below:
This code is in 2 PLACES
Q.Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
ANS. Check if there is a file called maintenance.flag in your magento root. If so Delete it.
When Magento is performing certain tasks it temporarily creates this file. Magento checks for its existence and if it's there will send users to the page you described.
Go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes > Add New Attribute with parameter as below.
On Module Configuration page, set Mode = Featured Product so that products that has featured attribute will be displayed on the product slider.
To display this module on front page, go to CMS >> Manage page >> select page that you want to display this module on e.g. Homepage.
{{block type=”joomlart_jmcategorylist/list” name=”home.jmcategorylist.list”}}Let’s see how it works on front-page:
how to change Check / Money order to cash on delivery or other payment system in magentoThe following payment methods do not require the use of a third-party service provider or gateway.- Cash On Delivery Payment
The Cash On Delivery payment method, also called "collect on delivery," or COD, lets customers pay for their purchases upon delivery. - Check / Money Order
Magento Go allows you to accept payments by check and money order. By default, the Check / Money Order payment method is enabled. - Zero Subtotal Checkout
The Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method can be used only if the shopping cart subtotal equals zero. Such a situation may occur if, for example, a discount covers the entire price of an item and the customer selects free shipping. This payment method is visible only for orders created from the Admin panel. - Bank Transfer Payment
The Bank Transfer Payment method lets customers pay for purchases by making a direct bank transfer to your merchant bank account. - Purchase Order
The Purchase Order payment method lets commercial buyers make purchases from your Magento Go store by purchase order rather than cash or credit.
Payment Service Providers
On your Dashboard, go to System --> Configuration
Scroll the mouse down and look on the left navigation menu, you will see "Sales" menu. Look down, you see "Payment Methods" and "Payment Services" right? Click on Payment Methods.
The first User Interface of Magestore appears like this:
- PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Express displays the "Check out with PayPal" button, to let customers complete the purchase through PayPal. - 3D Secure Credit Card Validation
3D Secure Credit Card Validation provides an additional layer of protection against fraudulent charges and chargebacks for sales. The service is available only for eligible payment gateways, and must be enabled by the administrator of your Magento Go store.
South Asia
- CCAvenue
CCAvenue is the largest and most popular online payment gateway solution serving India and South Asia. With more than 5,000 websites relying on their services, they are a clear leader of online transactions in the region.
To enable cash on delivery payment method:
- From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
- From the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select the Payment Methods tab.
- Click to expand the Cash on Delivery section. Then, do the following:
- To activate this payment method, set Enabled to Yes.
- In the Title field, enter an appropriate title to identify this payment method during the checkout process of your Magento Go store.
- Set New Order Status to Pending so that new generated orders are appropriately defined as Pending in their status until they are processed completely.
- In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, select the countries where this payment method can be used:
- All Allowed Countries: Customers from all countries in the default countries list can use this payment method.
NOTE: To define which countries are listed by default, modify the Allowed Countries field in System > Configuration > General > Countries Options.
- Specific Countries: Customers from only those countries selected in the Payment from Specific Countries list can use this payment method. (The list appears when you select this option.)
- All Allowed Countries: Customers from all countries in the default countries list can use this payment method.
- In the Instructions field, you enter any specific instructions for customers to follow with regards to the cash on delivery payment.
- In the Minimum Order Total and Maximum Order Total fields, specify the minimum and maximum order totals that qualify for this payment method. If an order exactly matches the minimum or maximum total, it qualifies for this payment method.
- To set the position of Cash on Delivery in the list of payment methods that is displayed during checkout, enter a numeric value in the Sort Order field. Enter 0 for the top of the sort order list, 1 for the second highest in the list, and so on.
- When finished, click Save Config.
Cash On Delivery activated Admin Only ( Not Frontend enabled ) - Magento?
I got the solution to show the currency symbol of product price:
Currency Code :1<?php
= Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode(); ?>
Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency(Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode())->getSymbol(); ?>
- Cash On Delivery Payment