Sunday 20 April 2014

8 Golden SEO Tips That Always Work

1. Google Authorship

Often people write about the debate surrounding this tag – is it or is it not helping with rankings? What is often missed is the very basic concept that an image by your result in the search engine increases your click-through rates.
Don't add this tag everywhere. Make sure it is only on well written, good content, but add it. Give your site that extra lift.

Link your Google+ profile to the content that you create

2. Content

Google likes specific content, so keep topics clear and on point. Also make sure on average your content is over 600 words per page or you risk it being penalized as thin.

3. URLs

Make sure your site URLs are absolute and not relative in your code. They shouldn't be too long and contain multiple query parameters. If they need to be rewritten, you have rewritten them.

4. The Alt Attribute

Use this tag properly, but use it. It belongs on every image on your site (sometimes it will be empty).
In the case of linking an image, the alt attribute acts as though you added anchor text on a page. Don't stuff this though; we have seen this as part of penalty actions when that has been done.
Remember this is a tag for the blind. Treat it with respect.

5. Page Speed

Check your site on the Google Page Speed tool. Speed matters especially in mobile. Get your site score above an 85-90.

7. Robots.txt

Your robots.txt doesn't block your web page from being indexed, only crawled. If you want to block a page from being indexed, leave it off the robots.txt and add a noindex tag.

8. Penalties

If you try to recover your site and you fail the first time, get an expert to help you. Google penalties are tricky subjects. You may not know enough about penalty recovery to get your site out of penalty status.
The longer your site stays penalized, the harder it will be to recover your site. A site auditor will know what to look for and how to communicate with Google in order to get the best outcome.

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